
round angle中文是什么意思

  • 【数学】(360度)周角。



  • 例句与用法
  • The multiple - object optimum design for the round angle of the universal profiled roll based on the software ansys
  • Simulation results show that better atomization can be realized by enhancing the cavitation intensity via increasing the injection pressure difference or decreasing the nozzle inlet round angle - radius ratio
  • Based on this model , the effects of geometric and structural parameters , such as injection pressure , rear pressure , length - diameter ratio , inlet round angle - radius ratio and non - axis symmetry of nozzle , on the distribution of the cavitation inside the nozzle are analyzed
  • ( 6 ) in this paper . adopting fea software ansys to simulation and analysis the al ecap process . in order to spread out studying of ecap in the future . the results show : die comer angle , the radius of round angle , the friction coffience of workpiece and die , the properties of die ( elastic modulus , possion ratio ) et al , have some degree impact on the deformation of materials
    ( 6 )采用有限元( fea )分析软件ansys对al的挤压过程进行ecap仿真与分析,为后续研究工作做好铺垫,分析结果表明:外切角、圆角半径、试样与凹模之间的摩擦系数、凹模本身的特性(如弹性模量、泊松比等)等等,对材料的变形量都由不同程度的影响。
  • A concept of step - by - step round angle surface for transition and its mathematic modeling was put forward first time . different fiber placement patterns ( 0 , 90and 45 ply ) and their simulation module were designed . a simulation system for fp - - - - - - simjoint system for satellite triangle conjunction was composted , which include mandrel modeling , fiber placement trace in mandrel simulation and robot ' s kinematics simulation
    详尽描述了构架式卫星接头的几何建模过程,针对所研究对象的特点,提出了用于变截面曲面之间过渡的渐进圆角过渡曲面的概念,并建立了相应的数学模型;针对构架式卫星接头设计了90 、 0和45等不同角度对应的纤维路径和铺丝线型仿真模块。
  • 英文解释
  • an angle of 360 degrees

  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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